Mathematical Journal for High School Students
Intelligence Planet Journal of Mathematics and its Applications is a mathematical journal focused on mathematical topics with articles and papers submitted by high school students. The goal of the journal is to give pre-college students an opportunity to share their experimental research results and get experience in writing formal articles and papers.
Intelligence Planet is published by Areteem Institute on a quarterly basis. All manuscripts must be written in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair review process.
Articles and papers published in Intelligence Planet should be about mathematics or applications of mathematics. Science, technology, and engineering topics are allowed as long as the submission has a strong mathematical component. This journal contains a wide range of topics, including but not limited to novel mathematical research, introduction, review and summary of current research and development of a certain field, history and historical people in mathematics, recreational mathematics, mathematical competitions, and proposed mathematical problems and solutions.
Now accepting submissions! View the Call for Papers by clicking here.
Topics and Article Types
Original Research
Submissions including original research or experiments performed by the students are preferred. Submitted papers in this category should provide sufficient background for readers to understand the results of the research or experiment.
Survey Papers
A survey paper helps summarize past results on a topic so they are presented in an easy to understand manner. Even if a survey paper does not produce original research, it should provide new insights or explanations of past results.
STEM Developments
Limited submissions discussing and summarizing a new research breakthrough or technology and discussing its importance to STEM will be accepted. These articles should be discussing recent (< 1 year) discoveries.
Why submit a paper/article to Intelligence Planet?
Showcase your Passion for Mathematics and STEM
Conducting research and writing a paper is a great way for students to show their interest and dedication to a topic. Presenting your results professionally helps students have a finalized result they can share for years to come.
Stand out on College Applications and in the Future
Research and writing experience helps students stand out when applying for college. During college, a published article helps when applying for internships, future research experiences, and jobs.
Get Professional Feedback and Advice
As a journal aimed at high school students, the submission process for the Intelligence Planet Journal is streamlined and our editorial team will assist students in formatting their papers correctly, ensuring resources are cited correctly, and providing a thorough review process.
Instructions for Authors
Submission Process
Manuscripts for Intelligence Planet should be submitted via email sent to The corresponding author is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and review process. The submitting author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list and that they have all read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript. The content of the manuscript should be an original work by the authors, and should not be copyrighted, published in, or submitted to any other journal, except in an abstract form.
Editorial Policies
- Conflict of interest should be disclosed by the authors during the submission of a manuscript. If a financial or personal conflict exists that might bias the judgment, an acknowledgment must accompany the submitted manuscript. If no such acknowledgment is included, an assumption is made of no conflict of interest.
- Copyright of open-access publications is retained by the authors under a CC-BY license.
- Authorship should be restricted to those who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, and execution of the research in question. Others who contributed to a lesser extent should be named in the acknowledgment section.
- Data sharing is encouraged by the journal but is not required. The decision to publish will not be affected by whether or not authors share their research data.
- Scientific misconduct will not be tolerated. Duplicate submissions of published elsewhere materials will be rejected, and, if detected only soon after publication, the journal reserves the right to retract the article.
Review Process
Review is conducted for each manuscript that meets the format requirements of the journal. Each manuscript is reviewed by two independent reviewers chosen from the pool of potential reviewers for the journal. The area of expertise in the appropriate field plays a decisive role in the choice of reviewers. A double-blind review model is adopted, keeping all authors and reviewers anonymous. Conflict of interest may be present if a student’s research supervisor is on the editorial board of this journal. In this case, the reviewers will be chosen to exclude the supervisor.
Manuscript Format
- Manuscripts should be prepared in LaTex. All figures and supplemental files should be collated into a single zipped folder, allowing editors to recompile the PDF file.
- Manuscript should have the following basic structure: title, name(s) or author(s), affiliation(s), email address of the corresponding author, abstract (not exceeding 150 words), keywords, mathematics subject classification (MSC 2020), introduction (laying out scope, goal, and organization of the paper), main text, conclusion, acknowledgements (if applicable), and references. For a sample paper in LaTex, please click here.
- The references list should be prepared in accordance to the American Mathematical Society (AMS) style.
Editorial Board
This journal is sponsored by the Zoom Educational Foundation and Resources (ZEFR), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
- Editor-in-Chief: Kevin Wang, Ph.D., Founder and Academic Director of Areteem Institute
- Editor: Olga Korosteleva, Ph.D., California State University, Long Beach
- Editor: Kelly Ren, Areteem Institute
- Editor: John Lensmire, Areteem Institute
In addition to the editors above, each submission is reviewed by additional independent reviewers. To avoid conflict of interest, if a student submitting to the journal has connections to the editorial board, the reviewers will be chosen to exclude the editor(s).